Army Special Operations Command reportedly ditching Android for iPhone in the field

While the ordinary proving ground of the smartphone may be the mean streets of the city, devices are to be found on the field of battle, too — and if a report from DoDBuzz is to be believed, Android may soon be giving way to iOS for some special operations forces.

According to a source “not authorized to speak to the media,” the Samsung device that acts as the brain of the Android Tactical Assault Kit is a clunker. It lags, freezes, and needs to be restarted too often; the iPhone 6S, apparently, is faster and smoother.

A split screen view of a drone’s live video and the map showing its route, for instance is better on Apple hardware, the source said: “It’s seamless on the iPhone. The graphics are clear, unbelievable.”

If the switch took place, the ATAC would become the iTAC, at least for certain Army special operations field work.

Now, the savvy reader may have questions, such as: just who made this garbage Android app that crashes all the time? What model is the Samsung they’re replacing? Is Android really the problem here? Reader, I had the same questions, and I’ve directed them to Army Special Operations Command.

And even if the rumor is true, this is just one part of special ops, which, as the name indicates, is not the largest group in the Army, let alone the whole military.


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